So I'm sure all of you are wondering if I stuck to my optifast. Well considering I forgot my shakes Wednesday when I left to go home I'd say no. I was very aware of what I was eating I did get a shake in before I left. I knew I had to eat so I ate maybe 10-12 Lima beans, a bite of sweet potato, and a bite of ham. Later in the day I ate some tuna. Even through I hated not to stick to the optifast I was very pleased to notice that I ate very slow and got full very fast. I don't believe I lost my ketosis. I'm back to my optifast and have been for the past two days. No I'm not wanting as I call it "human food". I ate Wednesday for strength and fuel for my body. I'm drinking lots and lots of water to flush out any extra sodium I did intake. Considering how low my blood pressure was I don't think it will hurt me. I still want this and I still want to finish my optifast program. We are back on track!

I'm loving my coffee station!

12/11/2013 01:49:28 am

Are you taking a fiber supplement and drinking all of your water/liquids? You shouldn't let yourself go that long because you could get impacted bowels. You need to take a laxative. Talk to your clinic!

April Wells
12/11/2013 01:53:15 am

I've been doing my water and coffee. I started Monday on Metamucil after stopping to see my nurse. When I went last night they wanted me to try milk of magnesia and Senokot. It's helping a little.


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    I'm April Wells and I'm on my journey to be the me I always wanted to be. 


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