Hi guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. There just isn't much to say. Everything is the same. I'm still not hungry. I've done 3 shakes so far today. Tomorrow is weigh in day! Excited and nervous as always! I haven't been drinking as much water as the past 2 weeks I still drink my 64ozs but not more.

I'm hoping that doesn't effect my weight if so I'll know to force it down next week. My reward for 10 pounds lost came in today!

I will admit the coffee does taste better. Today is my day off so I've done a whole lot of nothing. I've sleep most of the day. I'm being brave and cooking one of my favorite dishes for Devin. I've had to smell it all day and even through it smells heavenly I don't want it I'm not hungry. Doesn't it look yummy through!?!?

A small pork loin seasoned with garlic and lemon! I've decided optifast won't rule my life I rule my life. I've got to learn food is just that food. I might can't eat right now but that's no reason Dev should be forced to feel bad for eating. Plus I've got my keurig who needs that pork loin! Lol! Anywho, I've got more coffees to try so I'll check in with you guys tomorrow after weigh in!

12/2/2013 07:49:49 am

Keep it up! I have to cook for the kids, but I've been keeping it simple. I will be trying pork loin tonight too! (Cooking- not eating!)


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    I'm April Wells and I'm on my journey to be the me I always wanted to be. 


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