Hey guys! Today as been great so far! I feel really icky tonight but I believe it's the normal food I ate. Today I did 4 optifast shakes, a small bowl of peaches and a salad when I got home tonight. I thought a spinach salad would be a good choice. Boy was I wrong! All that was in the salad was spinach, 4 oz chicken breast, bacon bits with Olive Garden dressing. I notice while eating it it tasted as salty. I figured it was because I wasn't use to much sodium. I finish most of it mainly because I didn't want to waste my chicken. I go in to take a bath and look in the mirror my face was blood red and swollen. I ran to look at the sodium intake it was 520mg for the dressing and 180 for bacon bits! That's insane! That's not in two of my optifast meals. Needless to say I feel like poo and I'm drinking a ton of water. I also believe I'll be switching salad dressings and making my own bacon bits with turkey bacon. Any who I've whined enough for one day. Lesson learned!

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    I'm April Wells and I'm on my journey to be the me I always wanted to be. 


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