The call. You know the one you never want to get. The one you dread. The one you scared you'll receive one day. And pray you don't. Where in a total of 60 seconds you life goes from perfect to empty. I received that call around 7:15 last night. The one I've been scared to death of since I was 15. The call that has forever changed my life in a ways I'm afraid to even think about. The call saying my Granny had went home to be with Jesus. She took over being my mom when I lost mine in 2004.

Your probably wondering why I'm sharing this with you on my optifast blog. Mainly because last night after I found out my body went into a state of shock and it's still there. I was reaching trying anyway to find out how to deal with grief while fasting. Truth is I found nothing. So this is for someone in the future who may need this. I went to the doctor early this morning before traveling home to be with my family. My blood pressure was 64/56. I have wonderful nurse and doctors who have called and check on me through out the day. I asked could I eat a little regular food to help with the headaches and blood pressure last thing I wanna do is fate in front of my already grieving family. Through it is against the diet I was told I know my body better than anyone and to give it what it needs to get through this.

Today I've done 4 shakes and a bar. I ate maybe a finger tip full of chicken which my body repelled. I've drank lots more water. I do plan on eating maybe a couple raw vegs tomorrow and fruit. Very very very small amounts so I won't lose my ketosis.

I'll will keep you updates on how my body does through this.

12/11/2013 01:47:27 am

I am sorry for your loss. <3

April Wells
12/11/2013 01:49:01 am

Thank you so much sweet girl!


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    I'm April Wells and I'm on my journey to be the me I always wanted to be. 


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