Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been round the past couple days just been busy with work and the holidays! Nothing really has changed here in optifast world. If your wondering about my thanksgiving here was my dinner.

Yes yes I know I let myself have a coke zero. I thought it was nice for making it through the holiday. I really wish I hadn't through I got a very icky headache last night and I think it may been the reason. I also did a little Black Friday shopping!

I have been wanting a Ninja forever so I finally got one along with a crock pot, electric skillet, pillows and my Keurig(which won't be here till next week.). Mostly things I can't use till Feb 8 or 15 really whose counting!?! Lol!

I'm still not very hungry. In fact the only reason I'm still awake is because I have to eat again soon. The whole eating every 2.5-3 hours thing is getting very annoying. I've done 2 shakes, a bar, & soup so far. I'll do another shake soon. My energy levels have been great today I slept about 13 hours last night that might have something to do with it. I've done a lot of cleaning and still have a good bit of energy but with work in the morning it's settling down time for me.

It's hard to believe tomorrow I will start week 3. The only hard part so far for me another then the first 3 days when you body is changing. Is the whole eating the same things over and over. Anywho I've been rambling on enough. Hope you Guys had a great holiday!

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    I'm April Wells and I'm on my journey to be the me I always wanted to be. 


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