Let me start off by saying...WOW! I can not believe the energy boost I got tonight! I felt like maybe I had taken a diet pill or loaded up on Starbucks. I'm hoping the rest of my days on optifast are this great! There were times today I felt zoned out and wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings. But around 8 I felt something I haven't felt in years without the aid of something. Energy. Energy without my heart racing like crazy. It was amazing. I've worked 3-11 the past 4 nights and I'm off tomorrow so my schedule and food will be different. Today I got up around 930 ate a bar, had my chicken soup with mrs dash 1245, had another bar at 3:45, a shake at 7:15, and my final bar around 10. I've drank around 130ozs of water today maybe more. I haven't talked much about the food in my posts and since I made Devin take a small bite today, I think it's time I share how the food tastes and my favorites. It ALL tastes great! Everything I've tried so far. As you can tell by my posts I do a lot of bars. Not because they taste better but they seem to last me longer and at work that's a big must for me. Incase your wondering Devin did like my soup I did this so he wouldn't feel guilty for eating or feel sorry for me. I also had my pharmisct I work with try a bite of my berry bar. I think she was a bit in aw that it was actually good. All and all it's been a great day. I'm looking forward to tomorrow and getting to try more shakes. Tomorrow is also my first support group meeting with my doctors. Devin has agreed to go with me. (That makes my heart happy ☺️) Anywho I'm kind of sleepy and it's time for Friends! Night night!

Ps I love this lose it app keeps track of all my meals!

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    I'm April Wells and I'm on my journey to be the me I always wanted to be. 


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