I've talked a lot about my new diet but I haven't really spoke of what id be eating the next few weeks! I was so excited when I learned that I could add Mrs. Dash to my meals. I got a few different kinds so I could change up the flavors. I'll be eating 5 meals a day: breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, and dinner. I also got a few extra bars just incase my blood sugar went crazy on me. Any questions please let me know. I can't wait till tomorrow!


Well in less than 24 hours my new life will start! I'm still excited and scared. Yesterday was a hard day I started thinking about all the things I was giving up. Not really the eating part but cooking for my family, eating dinner with Devin, going out to eat at my favorite places. I'm going to mis socializing more than the eating. That just means were gonna have to go and see the world more walking trails spending time at the lake. I'm going to use my extra time and money on other things I've always wanted to do and focus back on my couponing. I cleaned out my stockpile room go rid of all the brownies and junk. I'll try to update each day on how my body is responding to the optifast I'm not weigh every day because I think it would be pure torture. Prayers needed!

Day 3




Well today I went for all my blood work and tests. I weighed more than I thought ALOT more. But, I'm ok with that because that number is not me! I get to see the doctor Friday morning if all my blood work is cleared. I'm still really excited and nervous. Going to do some before photos Friday evening and update each week. I can't wait to meet the new me!

Yesterday I made a big choice and I guess you could say life change. I went for my first of many meetings at University Weight Loss. Why did I do this? Because I'm ready to be a better me. I'm 25 and I'd like to have kids one day and my body just isn't strong enough at this point. I won't get to start the diet till Saturday. I'm excited, scared, nervous, but most of all I'm determined. I've done a few diets in my life. But, none never really stayed with me. And yes I've done diet pills. But, really whats the good of diet pills if you can't learn to change your eating habits its just a quick fix to no where. This time around things have to and will be different. I know alot of you more than likely think I'm crazy starting such a strict diet so close to the holidays. Don't worry I'll get my turkey its just gonna be a few days early. (ps: its in the oven now) Even through I can't start my new diet till Saturday I've already starting cleaning out and giving all the unhealthy food away. My goal is to lose 60 pounds. I don't want to be so skinny I look sick I'm 5'7 so I I think a weight of 160 is a very healthy goal for me. Well, housework is calling my name so catch up with you guys later! 


    I'm April Wells and I'm on my journey to be the me I always wanted to be. 


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